Flu Shot Fridays
Forget TGI Fridays—this fall there’s a new end of week celebration called "Flu Shot Friday."
Flu Shot Fridays wants to inspire all of us to take some time to focus on ourselves and our well-being – starting with getting a flu shot to help protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our community from the flu and its potential complications. Friday – or any day of the week – is the perfect opportunity to get the flu shot, and then take a little extra "me" time to celebrate doing your part to help fight the flu.
Campaign spokes-person Jennifer Grey embraced her role as the responsible older sister in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
She was central to the messaging, encouraging people to get their flu shot, take a ‘me day,’ and not stay home (sick) in bed.
Social ads were run in target markets where people would be least likely to get flu shots and more likely to suffer from complications if they were to catch the flu. Some ads were meant to be educational while others were reminders to schedule a shot.
Pharmacies were provided with custom band-aids so people could proudly share that they’d gotten their flu shot.